Term-End Examination
December, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum
Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) All
questions are compulsory.
(ii) All questions carry equal weightage.
1. Answer the following question
in about 600 words.
"Education is a sub - system
of society". Illustrate the statement with suitable examples. Discuss the functions
of education as an operational aspect of society.
Explain the meaning of aims of
education. Describe the Individual aims of Education.
2. Answer the following question
in about 600 words.
Differentiate between equality
and equity. Explain economic constraints on equality of opportunity.
Explain various dimensions of
3. Answer any four of the
following questions in about 150 words each.
(a) Mention important
constitutional provisions regarding Education under
union list.
(b) Discuss the achievement and
objectives of M V foundation.
(c) Explain the role of politics
in education.
(d) Describe the objectives and
achievements of Bihar Education Project.
(e) Mention important
considerations influencing political decisional making in
(f) What is pragmatic theory of
truth ? What are its criticism ?
4. Answer the
following question in about 600 words.
Critically examine the
achievement of 10th Five Year Plan in higher education in the light of its
general and specific objectives.
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