Term-End Examination
June, 2014
Time : 3
Maximum Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) All
questions are compulsory.
(ii) All questions carry equal weightage.
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the role of education in economic, political
and cultural development.
Explain the concept of Learning Society. Discuss
emerging Indian Society keeping in view the
concept of Learning Society.
2. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss briefly various dimensions of education. Why
education is considered essential for success of democratic system ?
How do theories and methodology effect
investigations ? Discuss with examples.
3. Answer any four of the
following questions in about 150 words each.
(a) Explain the meaning of the
genetic epistemology of Jean Piaget.
(b) Discuss education as a
dynamic and continuous process.
(c) Discuss the concept of
multiculturism and scope of multicultural education.
(d) Discuss in brief the role of
various agencies of education in maintaining quality of education.
(e) State the major
recommendations of Secondary Education Commission.
(f) Discuss the role of
administrators in managing the resources available with school.
4. Answer the following question
in about 600 words.
Develop a plan for empowering
community for achieving the goal of Education For All (EFA).
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