Tuesday, 11 November 2014

What do you mean by a meeting? What are the requisites for conducting a valid meeting? Also explain the importance of the agenda of a meeting.

Initial talk between two individuals whether or not previously acquainted where an effort is made to ask, plan and organize some sort of social activity. Talking can vary between cultures, lifestyles, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. In many countries and cultures it is the process that romantic relationships are developed and future spouses are found. Often, people are set up on dates by their friends, or they meet the individual at work, a party, or in class is known as Meeting.

Requisites of a Valid Meeting:-
The following conditions must be satisfied for a meeting to be called a valid meeting:-
It must be properly convened. The persons calling the meeting must be authorized to do so.
Proper and adequate notice must have been given to all those entitled to attend.
The meeting must be legally constituted. There must be a chairperson. The rules of quorum must be maintained and the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the articles must be complied with. The business at the meeting must be validly transacted..

The importance of an agenda of a meeting:
The meeting must be conducted in accordance with the regulations governing the meetings. It probably seems obvious to most that meeting agendas are important for timing purposes. An agenda keeps a meeting from going too long and keeps a meeting on topic. At its most basic, an agenda lists the timetable for topics, activities and speakers within the pre-established time frame of the meeting. But lately I suspect there is more to meeting agendas than I first thought.

The importance of an agenda starts even before the meeting takes place. When we schedule a meeting, we should also send the agenda. This accomplishes the following:
Everyone attending the meeting is able to prepare appropriately. Supplying attendees with just a time, place, and meeting topic gives no one a chance to bring or review relevant documents, prepare status reports on action items, or suggest agenda changes to the one calling the meeting.
Writing the agenda helps focus our thoughts and strategy regarding the meeting before the meeting takes place. Leaving out this step can create meetings with unfocused goals, meandering topics, and stream of consciousness like communication from us, the meeting facilitator.
A brief verbal review of the agenda at the start of the meeting reinforces the meeting's goals to everyone attending. This review also gives the us a base on which to fall back on when the meeting drifts off topic and a way to bookend the meeting along with a recap of the meetings goals at the end. This brief review of the agenda at the start of the meeting also helps focus us when we start our meetings.

For meetings that are following a presentation format, instead of a discussion format, the importance of an agenda is lessened. However, in that case, sending out a short description of the presentation can help people make a more educated choice regarding their attendance when a scheduling conflict might exist.

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