Business environment influences
business management. The critical elements of business environment often
interact with the critical elements of business management. The critical
elements of business management are planning, direction, organization, control
or coordination, staffing and supervision and evaluation. Management at all the
levels, top, middle as well as supervisory, is concerned with these critical
elements to a certain degree. Similarly, these very critical elements are the
concerns of the management that specializes in different functions such as
production, finance, marketing, purchase, inventory control, personnel, public
relations, research and development etc. Management, at all the levels of specialized
functions, is influenced by the critical elements of economic environment. For
example, when an industry faces business recession, the management may decide
to cut down the rate of production or to pile up inventory accumulation. When
the market is being invaded by an increasing number of closely substitutable
products, the management may decide to go in for aggressive advertisement or
cut-throat competition. When the financial institutions start interfering too
much with the day-to-day business operations of a firm, the firm's management
may decide to depend exclusively on its own internal funds rather than borrowed
capital. When the government enforces minimum wage legislations and other
social security measures for all permanent workers, the management may decide
to recruit only casual laborers through a labor contractor.
Business environment may act
either as a stimulant or as a constraint for business management. If the
prevailing environment is favorable to business growth and prosperity, then the
management feels happy and responds positively. Small business owners are often
encouraged to produce more when the government pays them subsidy. On the other
hand, when the prevailing environment is unfavorable, it acts as a
the government tries to impose a high tax rate on corporate profits, many
business concerns try to evade tax by under-reporting their profits. It is
interesting to note that the same environment may act both as stimulant and as
a constraint – stimulating for some and constraining for others. A high tax
rate increases the propensity to evade taxes, it induces the corporate
tax-payer to restrict his output, sales or profits. At the same time, this very
situation provides an opportunity to the tax consultant for thriving business.
A good amount of managerial skill and dexterity is required in adjusting to the
environment. The managers must have a thorough knowledge, understanding and
comprehension of their immediate business environment. With experience and
maturity, the alert managers acquire the skill to deal with the environment.
When an environment repeats itself, the experienced managers effectively
display their "capability" to take of it. When the changing
dimensions of the environment establish a sudden departure from the past trends
and tendencies, the managers are called upon to demonstrate their
"capability" to deal with the situation or risk and uncertainty. The
environment thus poses, challenge for the management. The managerial efficiency
and/or effectiveness is a measure of adaptability to the existing business
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