Thursday, 10 October 2013

Benefits of Education in general.

The impact of education on society, both on social, health and economic relations, is widely recognized due to studies and research on this subject. Economic benefits of education did not figure on the development agenda to begin with. The reason is that it is not immediately mesureable. Even though this paper do not pay much attention to
economic benefits it is still important to stress the value of presenting economic benefits, since it is one of the most persuasive arguments in the attempts to change attitudes of governments concerning their higher priorities on fx the military and less priority to education and health sectors. Different studies in the last decades have shown that an increase in education enhance the economic growth. But other benefits such as the expansion of human capabilities is recognized as equally important outcomes of education. Improving individuals social and personal opportunities enables change in a society with unequal opportunities for development caused by traditional patterns of class, ethnicity and gender.

According to Dreze and Sen, education has five intrinsic values for improving social and economic conditions in Third World countries, both benefits for communities and societies, as well as individual social benefits.

First of all education gives personal benefits for the individual in terms of self-confidence leading to motivation and interests in society. Social interactions are easier when persons are capable of reading a newspaper about social and political issues in the community and the rest of the World.

Secondly, education gives access to a wider range of job opportunities and in general enables persons to take advantage of economic opportunities and fx participate in local politics.

Thirdly, a higher literacy rate facilitates public debates and demands for health care, social security and other needs. Public discussions enable people to hold politicians accountable for their promises of fx improvements in the social service sector. Information on ones society provide better possibilities for utilizing the service system. Fourthly, education indirectly prevents child labour, to the extent that implementation of legislation of basic education for all children, force parents to send their children to school which again gives less time for labour. Entering school broadens horizons for young people. Which means that meeting other children and young people could result in new ideas of different opportunities in the future.

The fifht effect of education and literacy enables oppressed groups in a society to become politically organized. Being a larger group makes it easier to insist on ones rights and demands concerning social and politically issues. An organized group achieves visibility in the society and is harder to oppress. The ability to resist
oppression not only concerns disadvantaged groups in society, but education does also have positive effects within families when girls are being educated (Dreze & Sen 2002; 39).

The expansion of the opportunity of education to include girls do not just enhance the capabilities of reading and writing, but is also a means to the promotion of gender equality, development and growth.

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