Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Rise of the Islam. How did it affect the Arab Society?

The religion of Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad. He established the Islamic state in the desert land of medina. Initially Islam was by and large the answer to the problems which were faced by a tribal society. It was undergoing a transitory period. But in course of time Islam spread out over a vast area. Areas which had highly developed cultural and political traditions of their own deliberately adopted the thoughts and principles of Islam. The principle of Islam was a new principle of solidarity and unity. Prophet Muhammad mission was to bind or unify the divided section of the Arab society in accordance with the unifying principle of Islam. His mission, first unconscious and then deliberate was followed by his personal realization of almighty’s presence. Before him man’s only response could be of worship and gratitude. Muhammad was personally aware of god’s mercy and benevolence when he was alone and meditating. He realizes that one had to submit himself totally to lord. He would judge him one day. This concept of personal obligation and responsibility to god was alien to the wealthy merchants and different tribes who were glorified with their own narrow-minded obligations. Muhammad’s conception of god was a weak tradition of monotheism. Muhammad was convinced that he had been chosen by Allah as Rasul Allah, Muhammad began to spread messages which condemned unfair practices and stressed on the social obligation of the wealthy people. Commerce was not in the centre of condemnation. He sought to establish a new sense of community based on the realization of the man before the creator. One of the first disciple s who accepted Prophet Muhammad’s mission was his wife khadija and his cousin ali. In course of time Muhammad could manage to gather a group of followers around him who shared his ideals. Most of his followers in the earlier stages were the members of the weaker clans, the junior member of the powerful clans, women and outsiders, slaves or client. In the beginning ideas of Muhammad were ignored. Gradually strict opposition began. In hard times his clan and its leader Abu Talib protected Muhammad and his followers. In 615/16 Muhammad decided to send some of followers to Ethiopia to protect weaker section among the Muslims from persecutions. They didn’t have clan backing. To resist this step other clans continued to exert pressure on Abu Talib. An economic and martial boycott was also instituted against the clan of hashimites(Hashemite may be). But finally all attempts failed and Muhammad was successful in converting the major opponent of Islam region umar ibn al khattab.the most significant crisis for Muhammad came in 619 A.D. when Abu Talib died and Abu wahab succeeded him. The later denied giving any clan protection to Muhammad and his followers. The prophet was therefore forced to look for a new home for himself and his community. Muhammad realized that to survive and let his new religion survive he had to migrate some other place. Islam had to harness the political and economic power of a major tribe or an alliance of tribes. Ultimately the migration to the oasis of yathrib which was later renamed medina took place. It was seen as a turning point in the history of Islam. The Mecca’s found Muhammad and his new religion intolerable. They also resented the attack on usury. In 620 A.D. Muhammad had began a dialogue with a delegation from medina and in 622 after prolonged negotiation, they pledged physically protection to Muhammad and his followers. Thereafter, Muslims began to emigrate to medina. Muhammad left Mecca secretly because he feared that the Mecca’s might stop him from leaving Mecca. Muhammad reached medina on the twenty fourth of September 622. It is same year which was symbolised by the decision to begin the Islamic calendar. Around the oasis in medina a group of Jews had settled. It was not a compact commercial hub like mecca. Rather it was an oasis inhabited by different tribal groups and a number of smaller but influential Jewish groups, Later Muslims emigrated at medina. They could not suddenly become agriculturists. To keep in competition and also to survive they resorted looking, kept one fifth to him to be spent on community affairs. The rest was the rest was distributed among the Muslims. The rest was distributed among the Muslims. Muhammad’s prestige was at its peak when he proved himself to be the most successful military leader. As a result more Arabs began to convert. In medina dissensions appeared between the Jews and the Muslims because the Jews didn’t believe in Muhammad’s claims. Some Jewish tribes also conspired with the Mecca’s. In 625 A.D. a major attack was launched against the Muslims. Seventy five Muslims were killed in the war that followed. The war an uhud failed to prove victorious for the Mecca’s. Later Muhammad encouraged Muslims to take four wives to solve the problems of the widows of those killed the war. The Mecca’s tried again with a much larger force but failed again. Muhammad’s success attracted more tribes to embrace Islam. The meccan’s realized that to survive and prosper they had to reach a treaty with the Muslims. Muhammad himself was not interested in destroying mecca and its people. He realised that any prolongation meccans by going to Ka’ba to perform hajj. Finally a truce was arranged and Mecca surrendered without a fight in 630 A.D. Muhammad tried to reconcile old a news ideas in his new religion. When mecca fell, the people were graciously accepted into the umrah. Most of treated as zimmis or protected people.
       The people of medina embraced Islam after the fall of Mecca. Those who didn’t were.

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