Thursday, 22 September 2016

MA Philosophy Assignment.2015-16(IGNOU)

AssignmentsJuly 2015 and January 2016 (First Year)
School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110 068
Last Date of Submission of Assignments to the Study Centre
July, 2015 Session - March 31, 2016
January, 2016 Session - September 30, 2016

Dear Student,
Welcome to IGNOU and the courses and programme of study in philosophy, which were developed by the CBCI Chair and being are offered through School of Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS) of IGNOU. Those enrolled for July 2015 session must submit these assignments on or before March 31, 2016 and those of you getting enrolled for January 2016 must submit the assignments on or before September 30, 2016. Copies of assignments are available on IGNOU website as well.
Assignments are open book examination and we at IGNOU assign 30 per cent weightage to the assignment while calculating the overall grade for each course. Assignments are to be handwritten or neatly typed and duly signed on it before its submission in the study centre. In order to prepare a good set of assignment-responses, you must first of all read the chapter(s) from which a particular question has been framed. Discuss with your peer-group and academic counselors or professors who teach you. Prepare a draft, do the necessary correction on it and then, prepare the final version for submission to the Study Centre.
Make sure that each question answer starts on a new page. For long and medium answers, ensure that there is an introduction, sub-titles for main body and a conclusion. One line should be left between each paragraph. Make sure your answers are specific and in your own words and do not copy from books.Your answers will be exclusively based on the IGNOU materials only. Preparation of assignments is preparation for your term-end examination. Therefore take the assignments seriously.
You must keep a duplicate/carbon/Xerox copy of your assignment for future reference. Always take an acknowledgement receipt from the study-centre while submitting your assignments. The study centre is expected to return the evaluated assignments back to you along with the marks assigned. Submission of assignments is a pre-condition for appearing in Term-End Examination.
Ensure that you read the programme guide carefully which will answer most of your doubts. Wish you all the best for your studies. Prof. Gracious Thomas (Programme Coordinator)

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no.1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them, refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Explain the Charvaka concept of soul and god. How do they make sense of morality in life? Discuss. 20
Describe elaborately the Vaisesika concept of padartha or category. 20
2. “Jagat (the world) is not different from Brahman; on the other hand Brahman is different from the jagat.” – Justify this statement by explaining the Advaita position on the relation between Brahman and the world. 20
Discuss Vivekanda’s notion of universal religion. Explain how his philosophical understanding of god and man is relevant in such a framework. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) Discuss in detail the special features of Indian philosophy. 10
b) Give an account of the political philosophy of Thiruvalluar. 10
c) Explain the concept of Purusa. Discuss various proofs presented for the existence of Purusa. 10
d) Discuss the realism of the Sautrantika and Vaibhasika schools of thought. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Describe the Mimamsa understanding of non-perception (anupalabdhi). 5
b) What is the ontological implication of sunnyata? 5
c) Briefly discuss the theory of anatma vada. 5
d) What are the Panchamahayajnas proposed by Visistadvaita? 5
e) Describe the threefold path of moral values in Jainism. 5
f) What is the concept of Sat and Asat in the Vedas? 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Jnana marga 4
b) Nishkama karma 4
c) Ambedkar’s attitude towards religion 4
d) Dharma 4
e) Kevala – Jnana 4
f) Reality and God in Tagore 4
g) Klesas 4
h) Jaina concept of Liberation 4

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no.1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them, refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Explain the categorical propositions and square of opposition. 20
Why certain fallacies are called fallacies of relevance? Explain different types of fallacies of relevance. 20
2. What is Quantification? Explain the four rules of quantification in detail. 20
Define and explain the proof of invalidity in detail with at least two examples. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) Construct the symbolic forms of the following arguments: If Rahul buys the plot, then an office building will be constructed; whereas if Mahesh buys the plot, then it quickly will be sold again. If Rohit buys the plot, then a store will be constructed; and if the store is constructed, then
Lakshmi will offer to lease it. Either Rahul or Rohit will buy the lot.
Therefore either an office building or a store will be constructed. 10
b) What is digital logic? Write a note on Boolean operators. 10
c) How do you relate the major, minor and middle terms in a syllogism? 10
d) Discuss the significance of the ‘figure’ of categorical syllogism. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) What do you understand by the connotation of terms? 5
b) Explain disjunctive syllogism (D.S.). 5
c) Distinguish between distributive law and commutative law. 5
d) What is the significance of Conditional Proof? 5
e) What do you understand by existential quantifier? 5
f) Contrast between deduction and induction. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Inference 4
b) Mood of a syllogism 4
c) Hasty generalization 4
d) Reductio Ad Absurdum 4
e) Discharging the assumption 4
f) Invalidity 4
g) Instantiation 4
h) Nonsyllogism 4

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no.1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them,
refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Explain the descriptive, normative and critical phases of environmental ethics. Also discuss the ‘Why’ and ‘Why Now’ of environmental ethics. 20
Write an essay on the Philosophy of international ethics. 20
2. Discuss the general features of Habermas’ Discourse Ethics. How does he understand moral consciousness? Explain. 20
Write a detailed note on Morris Ginsberg’s “On the Diversity of Morals”. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) What are the intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts in simple subjectivism?
Can they be resolved? Discuss? 10
b) Is there any conflict underlying freedom of press and right to privacy? Discuss. 10
c) “Human person must invent his own values” – Explain existentialist humanism with Sartre’s ideas of moral order. 10
d) Write a short essay on Human rights. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) ‘Virtue lies in the middle’. Explain. 5
b) What do you understand by moral intuitionism? 5
c) How do you differentiate between values and norms? 5
d) How is social institution distinguished from Society? 5
e) Briefly discuss distributive Justice. 5
f) What is human order? 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Absolute ethics 4
b) Svadharma 4
c) Pacifism 4
d) Personhood 4
e) Love for animals in Buddhism 4
f) Emotivism 4
g) GoodWill 4
h) Responsibility for the Other 4

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them, refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Explain the classical theories of truth proposed in western philosophy. 20
Present an overview of Pratyaksa as understood in different schools of Indian thought. 20
2. Discuss the conditions that prompted Quine to propose naturalized epistemology.
Explain elaborately some of the implications of naturalized epistemology. 20
What do you understand by the notion of ‘certitude’? Describe in detail various kinds of certitude possible. 10/ 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) Explain the nature and scope of Epistemology. 10
b) Make an analysis of major khyati-vadas or theories of error accepted in Indian epistemology. 10
c) Enumerate four ways in which one can have or justify unjustified beliefs. 10
d) Radical translation does not undermine the basic hermeneutic insight. Explain. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Briefly discus the method of comparison (Upamana). 5
b) What do you understand by ‘the capacity of the reader’? / Interpreter 5
c) How is truth related to reasonableness? 5
d) Differentiate between locution and Illocution. 5
e) What is correspondence theory of truth according to Nyaya school? 5
f) Briefly describe the ordinary language philosophy of G. E. Moore. 5
5.Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Pre-Understanding 4
b) Hetvabhasa 4
c) Externalism 4
d) Liberation Hermeneutics 4
e) Dhvani Theory 4
f) Theory-ladenness of observations 4
g) God’s eye view 4
h) Constructivism 4

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them, refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Discuss the philosophical issues related to personal identity. Can we explain identity based on consciousness? Explain. 20
Explain the brahminical notions of self and the goals of life and critically analyse them from an atheistic or materialistic point of view. 20
2. Present various positive and nihilistic responses to the phenomena of human death. 20
Differentiate between authentic and inauthentic lives. How does Heidegger explain Living as authentic existence? Discuss. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) Define freedom. Explain human existence as interdependent and independent. 10
b) Explain the basic principles of Maslow, on which he bases his humanistic psychology. 10
c) Is life a struggle or a celebration? Discuss. 10
d) How can human relationships be founded on Kant’s notion of persons
as “ends in themselves”? Discuss. 10 4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) How is a ‘response’ different from an ‘answer’? 5
b) Differentiate between general anthropology and philosophical anthropology. 5
c) What o you understand by the human search for meaning? 5
d) Describe Plato’s notion of reincarnation. 5
e) How did skinner challenge human freedom? 5
f) Explain self as the centre of gravity. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Ghost in a machine 4
b) Facticity 4
c) Liberty 4
d) Rebirth 4
e) Chaos theory 4
f) Self-actualisation 4
g) “I”- “thou” relationship 4
h) Diversity as a survival value 4

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them, refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Explain elaborately the concept of god and man in Islam. 20
Make a detailed description of the sacred texts in Hinduism. 20
2. Explain the Christian concept of human person, world, and God. How are they related? 20
Write a detailed essay on the Jaina epistemology. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) Explain the major factors that helped the emergence of Buddhism. 10
b) Elaborate the Sikh notion of ultimate principle as Unity. 10
c) Discuss the stages of life (Asrama) as proposed in Hinduism. 10
d) Explain the Jewish concept of God. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) What is the Christian concept of incarnation? 5
b) Describe the notion of matter or pudgala in Jainism. 5
c) Briefly narrate the ethical teachings of Sikhism 5
d) Explain the truth of ‘cessation of dukkha’. 5
e) Discuss fate and freewill as conceived in Zoroastrianism. 5
f) Differentiate between the Nirguna and Saguna concepts of Brahman. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Right faith (samyag-darshana) 4
b) Sufism 4
c) Kshanika-Vada 4
d) Messianic age 4
e) Nididhyasanam 4
f) Hiranyagarbha 4
g) Eschatology 4
h) Adi Granth 4

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them, refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Explain the features of dalit folklore and cultural expressions. How do dalit rituals differ from non-dalit rituals? Discuss. 20
Analyse dalit philosopy of life. How is philosophizing from dalit perspectives unique? Explain. 20
2. Present the dalit critique of world religions in line with Ambedkar’s analysis of religion. 15
Discuss the basis for dalit eschatology. Point out the materialist features involved in it. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) Narrate the Gandhi-Ambedkar Debate. 10
b) Write a short essay on the cultural impact of globalization on India 10
c) Explain the general characteristics of Dalit religious philosophy. 10
d) How do dalits experience and express beauty? How is their spirituality and aesthetic experiences are related? 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) What do you understand by the philosophy of liberation? 5
b) Explain the nature of dalit location. 5
c) How do dalits practice non violence as a rule of life? 5
d) Explain how Labour becomes the foundation of dalit living. 5
e) What is the dalit perspective on the problem of evil? 5
f) How does tirukkural attempt to regulate family life? 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Saktism 4
b) Narayana guru 4
c) Dalitization 4
d) Shramana Tradition 4
e) Bhakti 4
f) Meaning of dalit 4
g) Subaltern Independence 4
h) Caste cuts across religious barriers 4

Note: i. Answer all five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 500 words each
iv. Before writing the assignment-responses, read the questions, understand them, refer the texts and write down the answers in your own words.
1. Explain in detail the original unity between science, myth and philosophy. 20
Explain the evolution of scientific methods.What do you think is the scope of science and scientific methods? Discuss. 20
2. Can deconstruction be understood as strategic reading? Discuss. Also explain in particular the idea of deconstruction in Heidegger. 20
Write a note on the main divisions of a research paper. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each:
a) Write an elaborate note on the tools of research. 10
b) Explain the concepts of pre-understanding and semantic autonomy of the text. 10
c) Discuss Descartes’ rational method in detail. 10
d) Describe the essential components that the preliminary section of a thesis proposal should contain. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Briefly discuss the theory of communicative action in Habermas. 5
b) What is triangulation? 5
c) What do you understand by Intentionality? 5
d) Explain the fallacy of the absolute text. 5
e) Explain discourse dialectics. 5
f) Make a brief critique of dialectical method. 5

5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Preface 4
b) Innate Ideas 4
c) Hypothesis 4
d) Inductive reasoning 4
e) Structuralism 4
f) Card style of note taking 4
g) Appendix 4
h) Intuition 4

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