The nationalist movement grew into a wide spread mass
anti-imperialist movement at the end of the First World War. Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi came into prominence at this time and became the undisputed
leader of the nationalist movement. Powerful mass movements were launched under
his leadership. These involved defiance of laws, peaceful demonstrations,
boycott of educational institutions, boycott of courts, boycott of educational
institutions, picketing of shops selling liquor and foreign goods, nonpayment
of taxes and the closing of vital business. These non-violent but revolutionary
methods influenced millions of people belonging to all sections of society and
infused in them bravery and self-confidence. Millions now braved the repression
resorted by the govt boldly courted imprisonment and faced lathicharges and
firings.Gandhiji lived the simple life of an ascetic and talked to the people
in a language they could understand. He came to be known to the people as Mahatma
Gandhiji made social report a part of the programme of
the nationalist movement. His greatest achievement in the field of social
reform was the campaign against inhuman institution of untouchability which had
degraded millions of Indians. His other achievement was in the field of cottage
industries. He saw in the charkha, the spinning wheel, the salvation of the
village people and its promotion became part of the congress programme.In
addition to infusing people with the spirit of nationalism it provided
employment to millions and created a large group of people who were ready to
throw themselves into the struggle and court imprisonment. The charkha became
so important that it eventually became a part of the flag of the Indian
National Congress.
Gandhiji devoted himself to the cause of Hindu-Muslim
unity .He regarded communalism as anti-national and inhuman. Under his
leadership the unity of the nationalist movement was secured and the people
worked hard for independence
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