In recent years, human rights and development have been converging. Growing recognition of the crucial links between rights violations, poverty, exclusion, vulnerability and conflict has led many OECD member countries and multilateral donors to look at human rights more thoroughly as a means for improving the quality of development co-operation.
Human rights and developmentThe GOVNET Human Rights Task Team aims at enhancing understanding and consensus on why and how donors should work more strategically and coherently on the integration of human rights and development. In pursuing this objective, the task team:
provides a
framework for sharing of information and experience and for collective learning
promotes dialogue
and collaboration between human rights practitioners and other development
develops policy
guidance on how to integrate human rights more consistently into donor policies
and practice
acts as a
resource to the DAC and its subsidiary bodies on human rights and development
Collaboration and dialogueThe GOVNET Human Rights Task Team places special emphasis on building bridges between human rights specialists and other development communities and aid managers. This includes first and foremost:
- Human rights and aid effectiveness: realizing the potential for the international human rights framework and the Paris Declaration to reinforce and benefit from each other.
- Human rights and poverty: establishing more common ground between human rights and the pro-poor economic agenda.
- Human rights, conflict prevention and peace building: identifying ways of reconciling and integrating human rights and peace and security strategies.
Human rights
assessments: contributing
expertise on human rights assessments and indicators to donor approaches to
governance assessments.